Monday, October 18, 2010

JP @ ISB connect 2009

I have seen a JP's video on Nagrujana's blog
Liked it. Adding it here for my record. Thanks Nag.

JP's videos from ISB connect 2009
Part 1:
Part 2:

Note: Both parts overlap.

Points I liked in the video

1. Heaven being a boring place and the only place where resources are more than the needs. Managers should not aspire to go to heaven as they will not find any challenges there. --- nice one :)

2. Two great sins
Unfulfilled potential --- well, not a great sin :)
Avoidable suffering --- Unpardonable sin in my perspective. Y did it take so long to introduce something like 108 and Arogyasree service in this country.

Last year (11th Apr 2009) I visited my friend's diary farm (110 KM away from Hyderabad). Around evening time we spotted a guy with fresh toddy (he just came down the palm tree). We bought some and started chatting with that guy, like how are the govt. schemes and are they really useful to them. He told us that a year back he was bitten by a snake when he was on the tree, trying to bring a toddy pot down. Somehow he managed to scale down the tree. Few of his co-professionals hearing his shouts have alerted 108. Ambulance reached the spot in a few min and he is still alive to tell us this. He also added that people of his village were making good use of Indiramma housing scheme. No wonder YSR is revered in rural areas.

3. Most god fearing nation is the most sinful nation (based on above sins) --- nice one :)

4. Morons (Arjun Singh and M M Joshi) presiding over the educational system and the urgent need for fixing it --- nice point, looks like Kapil Sibal is more proactive than these guys.

5. Governance is about reconciling conflicting interests in a complex society --- Love this guy for his clarity of thought, a lot said in a single sentence.

6. Preventable congenital heart diseases link to German measles and how this can be avoided with a very small amount of money --- A very very valid point and sad state of affairs. This is all about preventing avoidable suffering. A decade back (22nd Aug 2000), my mom underwent by-pass surgery. I spent long times in the hospital for a week. I used to stand near a children ward, which was near to my mom's room to pass time. Most of the kids were there due to congenital heart problems (hole in the heart, may be that ward was meant for cardiac problems), it was heart breaking to see those kids waiting to undergo surgery.

7. Y did it take such long a time to introduce govt. sponsored polio vaccine on a massive scale in India --- Sad, at least they are doing it now.

8. Pranahita-Chevella Sujala Sravanti lift irrigation scheme - World's largest if implemented --- didn't know this.

9. Development of smaller towns. --- Again a valid point. Hyderabad is bursting at it seams. I think the second biggest city in AP might not even be 1/4th of Hyderabad. Y this lopsided development ?
Had been to Vijayawada on 22nd Aug 2010 for a friend's marriage. We were @ hotel Ilapuram, which is reasonably well located. It was a Sunday and there was literally no traffic on the roads around this area. I tried for a Internet cafe to cancel/book train tickets. I couldn't find one with in a 1 KM radius. The one I found was closed. May be I missed some as I was new. Some how it was a contrasting scenario compared to Hyderabad, considering Vijayawada is a big city in AP.

JP should be in governance/executive, he should not be in politics. May be 'we the people' are not ready for him yet. He should have joined Congress (sacrifice a few principles), and should have tried for a ministry. He could have been more effective as a minister than as a leader of a political party.

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